Neville/Ginny Icons
Reveling in geekdom since 2003.
This site began life focusing mainly on the Viktor/Hermione 'ship and other Potterverse goodies. The owner still thoroughly enjoys Potterdom and that ship, but has also branched out into hardcore Discworld, Neil Gaiman and Monkey Island geekdom, too and occasionally even ventures a fan project in those areas. Few things make her clap her hands in girlish glee more enthusiastically than a good Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate(TM) moment or a really good Sam/Sybil Crowning Moment of Awesome. Unless it's classic Monty Python or something else equally geeky.
Well, okay, she cooks, too, so recipes.... and kitchen gadgets...
And she's taken up running. All the better to try more recipes...
But she still can be found listening to Pratchett, Gaiman or Potter audiobooks while chugging along on those runs. All rights reserved. Design adapted from template abundant by Free CSS Templates