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Unwound - There was a Sam Vimes she knew, who went out and came home again, and out there was another Sam Vimes who hardly belonged to her and lived in the same world as all those men with the dreadful names. Rating: R Fandom: Discworld
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The Bit With Mavis Trouncer - And then there was depth, and pressure, and his last thought had been please, please, can we skip the bit with Mavis Trouncer... - Thud. Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Discworld
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Paying A Debt - I said I would make you the richest doctor that ever lived." Lawn stilled his finger and looked over the top of his glasses. "Panicked fathers say all sorts of things in the heat of the moment." But a debt is a debt, a promise a promise... Rating: G Fandom: Discworld
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Patients Wearing Thin - Well, he had always had what his mother referred to as the Vimes tendency to niggle at things and the Ramkin tendency to meddle in them. Doctors and watchmen have more in common than many people might suspect. Rating: G Fandom: Discworld
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Bit Of A Cold Fish - I went out with Ronnie Rust once. Bit of a cold fish. Rating: G Fandom: Discworld
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The Egg and I - Appears first chronologically in the Best Laid Plans series. Hermione's last Easter holiday at Hogwarts is starting out as nothing short of depressing. She lost her parents the year before and the war is most definitely brewing in the rest of the world. On top of that, the Order is trying to gear up for the battle to come, so not only is Viktor away for weeks at a time, she has no idea where he is or what he's doing. But on the Saturday before Easter, someone arranges for her to ponder on something a little more practical, magical and mystical than her own problems. The incredible... egg? When Dobby delivers an Easter basket and refuses to tell her who the sender is, Hermione tackles one of her favorite things. A puzzle that needs solving. Rating: G
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Altared States - Viktor & Hermione - Appears second chronologically in the Best Laid Plans series. As Viktor and Hermione start to make plans, they find, to their horror, that no one seems to think they can and should have a simple wedding but the bride and the groom. Along the way to the altar, they have to deal with such formidable obstacles as friends, family, a wedding planner with an overbearing fondness for pink, and everyone else's expectations. In a post-war magical world, hungry for something to celebrate, the two of them find that a wedding is sometimes not just a wedding. It's infuriating, exasperating, exhilarating, and sometimes, it's a wonderful balm for a lot of old wounds. Set in the Best Laid Plans universe. Rating: R
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Unwrapped - Appears third chronologically in the Best Laid Plans series. Christmas is always a special event, but especially when you're spending your first together as a married couple. When you're still unwrapping one another bit by bit, piece by piece, and still going about the new business of fitting your lives together. When Viktor and Hermione spend Christmas at a very crowded Burrow, there's more to be unwrapped than presents. An addition to the Best Laid Plans universe, featuring a festive Mad Eye Moody, a bit of Christmas goose, a cramped bed, a prattling bore, a bit too much eggnog, and the rather dangerous combination of all of the above, plus newlyweds, and mistletoe. Rating: R
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Altared States - Neville & Ginny - Appears fourth chronologically in the Best Laid Plans series. A look at Neville and Ginny’s wedding in my Best Laid Plans universe. On the big day, Ginny is a bit nervous, so Hermione offers a bit of “old married lady advice”, including why marriage can be just as rewarding as it can be infuriating. Also, a bit on the side about the penchant Viktor and Hermione have for making other people’s weddings more interesting. Rating: R
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The Battle of Wounded Knee - Appears fifth chronologically in the Best Laid Plans series. When Viktor is injured during a Quidditch match, he seems determined to prove the old saying that great athletes make terrible patients. Between dealing with the injury, the Healers, and each other, Viktor and Hermione find that the people you love the most can also drive you the craziest. A broken leg can be a pain. Sometimes, so can the patient... Rating: R
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Best Laid Plans - The Switch - Appears sixth chronologically in the Best Laid Plans series. The war's over, life's a lot more ordinary these days, and Harry and his friends are all grown up and married. Ginny and Neville. Harry and Hannah. Ron and Susan. Viktor and Hermione. There's just one thing missing from their seventeen year marriage as far as that last couple is concerned. A baby. It seems that using magic to help begin a life, like ending it, is no feat to be taken lightly. When the others set out to offer a bit of assistance, they find that the best laid plans don't always go right. First written in a series where a decision, an accident, or a random twist of fate changes the rest of the story. The Switch: Never trust in the predictability of human behavior. Just when you think you know someone... Rating: R
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Best Laid Plans - Too Much Of A Good Thing - Appears sixth chronologically in the Best Laid Plans series. Yes, sixth. All story titles beginning with "Best Laid Plans" are a "parallel series". Each one begins the same way, then "diverges", in a sort of "what if" fashion. Second written in a parallel series where a decision, an accident, or a random twist of fate changes the rest of the story. The war’s over, life is a lot more ordinary these days, and Harry and his friends are all grown up and married. Ginny and Neville, Harry and Hannah, Ron and Susan, Viktor and Hermione. There’s only one thing missing in their seventeen year marriage, as far as that last couple is concerned. A baby. It seems that using magic to help begin a life, like ending it, is no feat to be taken lightly. When the others set out to offer a bit of assistance, they find that the best laid plans don’t always go right. Too Much Of A Good Thing: If some is good, a whole lot is even better, right? Sometimes a little help can go an awfully long way... Rating: R
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Best Laid Plans - Time Flies - Appears sixth chronologically in the Best Laid Plans series. Yes, sixth. All story titles beginning with "Best Laid Plans" are a "parallel series". Each one begins the same way, then "diverges", in a sort of "what if" fashion. Third written in a parallel series where a decision, an accident, or a random twist of fate changes the rest of the story. The war’s over, life is a lot more ordinary these days, and Harry and his friends are all grown up and married. Ginny and Neville, Harry and Hannah, Ron and Susan, Viktor and Hermione. There’s only one thing missing in their seventeen year marriage, as far as that last couple is concerned. A baby. It seems that using magic to help begin a life, like ending it, is no feat to be taken lightly. When the others set out to offer a bit of assistance, they find that the best laid plans don’t always go right. Time Flies: Some things really shouldn't be rushed... Rating: R
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Dear Mama and Papa - Appears first chronologically in the Past Present series. Viktor writes to let his parents know that he's decided to do something that probably won't sit well with his Headmaster, but really, it's Mama and Papa's fault in the first place. Rating: G
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Past Present - Appears second chronologically in the Past Present series. In the summer following Goblet of Fire, Harry, Ron and Hermione go to visit Viktor Krum in Bulgaria, and discover that there's far more to his past than they could ever have imagined. As time passes, it becomes evident that all four of their lives, present, future, and even the past, are intertwined in ways foreseen and unforseen. A story covering through the end of Harry and company's fifth year, which was begun before the release of Order of the Phoenix, but the story does incorporate some elements and characters from that book. Rating: PG 13
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Innocent Questions - Appears third chronologically in the Past Present series. After fifth year ends, Viktor is spending part of the summer in the Granger household. Problem is, even the most innocent questions can be hard to answer when you’re a wizard trying to pass yourself off as a Muggle. A short (for me) one-shot featuring a curious neighbor, uncomfortable questions galore, some double-edged answers and a very temperamental toaster. Rating: G
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Waiting - Appears fourth chronologically in the Past Present series, though much of it looks back on events that occurred the summer before Past Present. Hermione is busy packing for a return to Grimmauld Place when she discovers her bundle of Viktor's letters from the prior summer. She rereads each and looks back on the summer before, reflecting on how the two connected through writing and a couple of meetings. Finally read all of Viktor's letters to Hermione, find out what happened on their first dates, and how exactly their relationship got off the ground. Rating: G
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Like Air - Prolonged days of separation do tend to drag on when you're a newlywed. So what's a man to do when it's been days and the various other ways of taking out the tension and frustration of being away from your wife just isn't working any more? Rating: Adult
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Never Too Late - Hermione Weasley has gone what qualifies as a lifetime since the last time she saw Viktor Krum. Several decades, at least. What should have been a simple lunch and an hour of catching up turns out not to be so simple when Hermione bumps into him at an Arithmancy conference. Relationships are always a lot more complicated when you're dealing with love lost, love gained, a few additional decades of baggage, some well-meaning but pushy relatives and friends, and your grown children to boot. Funny, I though more mature meant things got easier, not more complex..."Simon, it's just not simple. This isn't a fairytale." A more mature romance story with healthy doses of Viktor/Hermione, Ron/Hermione, and Viktor/Original Character. Rating: R
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(Re)Union - Sometimes, loving someone just isn't enough. Sometimes, the choice everyone expects you to make isn't the right one. Sometimes the perfect couple isn't so perfect. Years after losing touch with each other, Viktor and Hermione bump into one another by chance and realize they have more in common than being older and wiser. They both once made the same mistake, but they won't again. This time around, they know what they want, and they aren't afraid to ask for it. Rating: R
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Replaced - Everyone gets replaced. It’s the first lesson you learn on the Quidditch pitch, and the last one to sink in, if you’re lucky. Even the best Seeker ever. Even Viktor Krum. After a bit of time to reflect, Viktor writes a letter on being replaced. “I told myself that Hermione and I would go to dinner, or maybe just eat in at the hotel so I could have a good old fashioned sulk in peace, and it would all look better in the morning. Or at least the wound would be a little less fresh. Problem is I didn’t expect to get replaced twice in one day. Once is not so bad. Twice can knock you for a loop. When one of the people replacing you is your wife… well, someday maybe you’ll understand why that can knock a man totally off balance...” Rating: G
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The Diary Of Crookshanks - There's more going on in that furry little half-Kneazle noggin than most people would expect. Crookshanks offers his unique style of commentary on being upstaged, uprooted and even upended. It's not easy being the head of a household. Especially when it keeps moving, changing and growing despite your best efforts to keep a paw on it... Rating: G
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Keeping - Appearing absolutely nowhere chronologically in any of the above series, because it isn't Harry Potter. (Le gasp!) My first foray into Discworld fanfiction, a look in on the Duke and Duchess of Ankh in the wake of The Fifth Elephant. Rating: R
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Not Always - A story that grew out of a silly, tossed off comment about a pickle fork and a Sam/Sybil music meme entry on my Livejournal. "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler, and who-ever is led astray by it is not wise." (Prov. 20:1) Sam Vimes is definitely being made to feel a fool after this particular glass of wine. Discworld fanfic ahead. Rating: R
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Bad Day - It has been said that when a Commander of the Watch is unhappy, he tends to spread it around with a big shovel. True, but who suffers when the Commander's pregnant wife is having a Bad Day? Rating: G
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Telling - It didn't bear thinking about what Fred Colon might be moved to share on the subject of expectant mothers. Rating: G
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A Pose By Any Other Name - Viktor Krum never was one to revel in posing, primping, preening, being fawned or drooled over, or generally being manhandled and treated like a piece of meat by the so-called "fairer sex" that count themselves among his fandom. He's not much on being photographed or answering the same old questions or having his private life pried into, either, thanks very much. So when he gets *cough* volunteered by a certain bushy-haired fiancee to participate in a fundraiser for St. Mungo's that involves all of the above and then some... Let's just say Hermione will be needing to "express her gratitude" a great deal to make up for this. Rating: R Fandom: Harry Potter
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The Problem With Knickers - What's it like, being Viktor Krum? You're the youngest Seeker ever to compete in the World Cup, you're entering your last year of school, and you're likely to be chosen as Durmstrang Champion. Idolized and adored by fanboys and fangirls everywhere, you've got it all, right? Wrong. All poor Viktor wants is to keep his head down, do his job, be left alone, and maybe, just maybe, to suck up the courage to talk to that bookish, bushy-haired girl that he keeps seeing in the library. But you see, there's the problem of these giggling girls and the fan mail they keep sending him... Rating: R Fandom Harry Potter
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Read Between The Lines - When Viktor spends a weekend at Hogwarts while on furlough from Order business, he and Hermione engage in a bit of the old nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Or at least, they try to. Problem is, Harry and Ron are particularly dense about what all the nudging and winking mean. Viktor and Hermione are simply trying to catch some time alone, and frankly, subtlety is getting them nowhere. But the two of them are nothing if not clever and resourceful! Featuring a very knowing Neville, a slightly strangled Ginny, an extremely naive Harry and Ron, and a very randy (but still very levelheaded) Viktor and Hermione. Rated R for severe comic naughtiness and wicked innuendo. We all knew there was something missing from the Hogwarts curriculum... Rating: R Fandom: Harry Potter
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Congratulations - A tiny ficlet about Sam Vimes, Sybil... and someone wanting to offer congratulations. To say more would spoil things. Rating: G Fandom: Discworld
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Music Memes

Music Meme 1 - Play music, write while it plays. Ten tiny exercises in writing. Rating: G Fandom: Discworld
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Music Meme 2 - Play music, write while it plays. Ten tiny exercises in writing, take two. Rating: G Fandom: Discworld
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