The Luggage Color

Like most Discworld fans, I tend to immediately think of The Luggage when the series is mentioned. The... err... loyal companion of Twoflower (and later, Rincewind) is handy to have around in a pinch.
There's unlimited storage, the Luggage can never be lost (which I would find handy on conference trips), and it also does your laundry, leaving it smelling like lavender. I would never,
ever, ever take advantage of its ability to eat people. No. Never. No-sirree-bob. Not even these horrible survey people who come in right before Christmas and tell you they need every student's left shoe size, and the right one for any students
with middle names containing a number of letters that equals a prime number... Much.
My take on The Luggage is pretty standard. Seems most artists, like Kidby and Kirby, tend to stick with the usual "hope chest on little pink legs" model, and that's what I usually think of. I did picture The Luggage as feeling oddly...
organic in an unsettling way, with the wood being a bit too bendy for proper Luggaging when it's in "eating people" mode, and the legs being insanely freeform and able to rotate in pretty much any direction. Perhaps with a few conspicuously placed knotholes that could be mistaken for anthropomorphic features. At least if you squint and tilt your head. This pencil sketch came out rather pleasingly wonky in the end, and I'm fairly happy with the colored version, too. Liberal usage of various fleshy colored Copics, and some FAO Schwartz art set markers. Cleaned up ever so slightly and saved from the Graphite Smudges from the Dungeon Dimensions in The Gimp. I'm rather happy with how woody and brassy the various woody and brassy bits look.
Also, yay, decent looking toes!